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A Visual Narrative of a peer led crime prevention approach

A project brought to you by Reformed Development C.I.C & Chester University.

With limited interaction with our service users and through a time that was testing, not only to hard to reach communities but also those who have all available resources within the palm of their hands, the photo voice project was born.

Their experience, our vision, a combined passion with love, came together like pieces of a puzzle, without each and every piece present, the full picture is not complete. The experience of a service, in the eyes of a service user, captured by a lens.

At a time in our lives when interaction with each other was limited to those within a household, we found new ways to speak our truth and communicate on different levels.

If you could speak your truth, with just one photo, what would that photo say to you?

If one photo could describe your feelings, how would it look? Would each perspective convey the same message.

A service on your side when all other services seem to fail, you feel there is only one who prevails.

Welcome the photo voice project.

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